Turf: help laying a new lawn

Before you buy your turf please read our helpful guide on how to lay and look after your new turf

Turf: help laying a new lawn

The main focal point of any garden is always the lawn, and its appearance can make or break the overall look and feel of your outdoor space, however you will be pleased to learn that it is relatively easy to get the perfect appearance!

Grass seed is great, however if you are looking for an instant improvement or don’t have the time or resources to spend protecting your seeds from birds, turf is the way to go.

Best laid in early autumn when the grass can root easily and there is generally more rain to help it water in, you can just as easily lay turf in spring but be prepared if it is a dry spell, to regularly water your new lawn.

How do I know what turf to buy?

The main thing to remember when buying turf is there are different grades of grass for different needs. Turf is graded; from fine grade made up of bents and fescues which are best suited for landscaping and areas with a low foot fall, right through to the more hardwearing domestic grade grass which can with stand lots of play, pets and people walking on it.

We stock beautifully cultivated turf, that is a market leader and the first choice for landscapers, home owners, ground keepers and architects alike as it is versatile and a great grower.

The next thing to remember is to make sure that you buy the right amount of turf for your area. A standard piece of turf will cover about one square metre, so make sure you measure your requirements as accurately as you can. Most stockists will assist with this or will have an online calculator you can use.

How do I lay turf?

As with most gardening, preparation is key:

  • Skim off any old grass from the soil, removing any weeds or stones as you go.
  • Level out the soil as best you can with a rake so that your lawn will grow even underfoot.
  • Firm the soil by walking over it with tight footsteps and then rake again.
  • Sprinkle with a granular fertiliser, lightly rake again and then water well
  • Your turf will ideally need to be laid the same day that it is delivered, so aim to prepare your soil the same day that you book your delivery

When the turf arrives unroll slowly to avoid causing damage to the roots and butt each new roll up as close as you can to the old one.

For square or rectangular lawns, start at an edge and lay the turf rolls so that they butt into each other at their ends. Stagger each row like brickwork to create a strong connection between all the laid turf rolls. Tamp down firmly with the butt of a rake to ensure good contact, never pull or stretch the turf to fit.

For circular lawns it is better to start from the middle and work your way out to the edges, so you only have to cut on the outside rather both on the outside and the inside.

Stagger each row in a brickwork pattern until your lawn is complete, making sure that it runs beyond the edge of the lawn and use a trimming tool or a half moon cutter to get the required edge and shape.

If you can, install a sprinkler system to ensure even and regular watering, however if this is not an option, a few healthy goes round with a watering can will do.

What do I do after I have laid my turf?

New turf needs to be left to root, so minimise the amount of contact that you have with it for the first few weeks, and avoid putting garden furniture or play items on to it until it is firmly in place.

Trim it lightly, with the mower setting on high and try not to do it too regularly until it has established itself into the soil.

Watering Aftercare

  • Watering is the most important aftercare especially in hot, dry weather
  • Ensure the water is penetrating right into the soil, not just dampening the turf
  • Late evening to reduce evaporation loss, when roots will be growing and bedding in
  • Watering of newly laid turf grass is exempt from hose pipe bans in the UK for up to 28 days after installation
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