Benefits of using Multi Purpose Grass Seed

To grow a high quality and hard-wearing lawn, you need grass seeds that produce high quality and hard-wearing grass.

Benefits of using Multi Purpose Grass Seed

There’s obviously a bit more to it than that as you may know, but it all begins with the grass seed you choose.

The Multi Purpose Grass Seed available through grass seeds suppliers Springbridge are ideal for creating an entirely new lawn as well as for filling in bare patches.

Why choose Multi Purpose Grass Seed

Multi Purpose Grass Seed produce a robust and slow-growing grass that is suitable for a number of purposes thanks to its general shortness. It is suitable for creating a luscious green and healthy lawn, but can also be used for sports fields and other large grassy areas that experience a lot of wear and tear.

You should also buy Multi Purpose Grass Seed if you want to create a lawn or grass area in a place that has difficult or damaged soil thanks to its tenacious nature, or you can sow them to cover up excavated areas or reclamations.

These grass seeds grow slowly but sprout quickly which means the grass will require little maintenance and cutting.

What is Multi Purpose Grass Seed?

Evergreen plants are those that retain their leaves all year round, as opposed to deciduous plants which shed their leaves each autumn to keep the vital nutrients in their stems, trunks and root systems during the winter. Deciduous grasses tend to be quite wispy in nature, while evergreen grasses have thicker and more architectural foliage due to their year-round presence.

Evergreen grasses provide colour throughout every season of the year and such grass can provide the permanent structure, framework and texture to flowerbeds, borders and plant containers. While the grass is beautiful on its own, it also serves as the perfect backdrop to plants with even more colourful displays.

Wildflowers Seeds Mix

You can buy a mix of Multi Purpose Grass Seed and wildflower seed through Springbridge. They can be purchased separately, but if you are intending to meadow a part of your garden or just create a lovely naturally wild-looking area, then the grass seed and wildflower mix will be perfect. Such wild plants are important for the environment as they provide homes and food and to the likes of honey bees, butterflies and moths.

Our wildflower seed mixes include a wide variety of traditional wildflowers found in English meadows. There are twenty types of flower seed in each bag which flower in turn throughout six months of the year.

Multi Purpose Grass Seed and wildflower seed mix includes: Cornflower, Corn Marigold, Corn Cockle, Corn Chamomile, Field Poppy, Oxeye Daisy, Small Burnet, Common Sainfoin, Yarrow, Yellow Rattle, Common Vetch, Common Knapweed, Common Flax, Common Sorrel, White Campion, Crimson Clover, Lady’s Bedstraw, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Meadow Buttercup, Self Heal, Red Campion.