Interview with Emma Whitten

Garden Tamers (Emma Whitten Gardens Ltd)

Interview with Emma Whitten

Tom Howard

What is your company name and how long have you been in business?

Garden Tamers (Emma Whitten Gardens Ltd) 8 years.

How long have you been working with Springbridge?

About 3 years.

What types of products do you typically order and for what types of projects?

Houzz Design Winner Award

Are you able to offer approximate information on the frequency, amounts, quantities and types of products ordered?

I order about 10 times per year, usually 2-3 bulk bags each time. We are currently working on a urban garden in SE23, ordered
Softwood Play Grade Chips to go under a trampoline. We have already built the patio and we are now landscaping the rest with a new lawn, a new bed with planting (my design) and some careful tree pruning. 

Emma Whitten winner of ‘Best of Houzz Design 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021′ – as voted by the Houzz community.


I like working with Springbridge because the quality of the materials is always excellent, the payment system works well and delivery is fast and reliable.
Emma Whitten
Emma Whitten
Owner - Emma Whitten Gardens Ltd